What are the benefits of participating in the New Bern High School Marching Band?
Marching band offers many benefits. These include playing different music selections, travel opportunities, and teamwork. The experiences that you will gain, and even some of the relationships that you create, will stay with you for a lifetime.
I want to take Honors and AP classes, can I still do band?
Yes! Scheduling at the high school is very flexible. In fact, there are honors courses in band available at for each year. It is possible to be in an honors credited band each semester if the requirements are met.
I don’t have an instrument of my own. Can I still participate?
Yes. We have a variety of instruments that may be loaned to students for use during the year. If you need an instrument, one will be issued to you during band camp.
The instrument that I play isn’t a regular marching band instrument. What will I play?
The only instruments not used in the marching band are oboes and bassoons. If you play one of those instruments, an alternative instrument may be assigned. Mr. Elbing will make sure that your transition is easy, and will teach you what you need to know if you have to switch instruments. There are also alternative versions to some brass instruments, such as French horns, baritones and tubas. For most of these, the notes and fingerings are still the same.
Do I have to buy my uniform?
No. The fees cover the cost of cleaning the uniform several times throughout the marching band season. However, you will have to purchase your own marching band shoes.
I really want to participate in the marching band, but my parents and I may have trouble coming up with the money. What can I do?
All you have to do is let Mr. Elbing know your situation and he will help you get set up on an altered payment schedule. We also offer a variety of fundraisers to help offset costs. No student will be turned away due to financial reasons as long as a valid effort is made.
Can I play sports and still be in the marching band?
Yes, but this depends on the sport. Marching Band at New Bern High School does meet during the regular school day, which is where much of the instruction happens. After-school rehearsals only happen twice a week, making it easier for athletes to split their time. However, this be may difficult for a varsity cheerleader or football player since we perform at the same time.
What if I can’t play and march at the same time?
Nobody thinks they can until they actually try it. Most people didn’t think they could ride a bike on two wheels, or make a sound out of their instrument in 6th grade. Everything you need to know about marching and playing will be taught to you during band camp, and you will be given ample opportunities to practice your new found skills.
Will I have to memorize my music?
Yes. The competition field show and national anthem should be memorized. The football stands music does not need to be memorized. Memorizing music is not as complicated as you may think. We go through a very thorough step-by-step process to ensure that everybody succeeds.
Do I have to be in the marching band in order to be in the Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble?
No. At New Bern High School, we also offer a Concert Band in the fall. Taking this class as an alternative meets the prerequisite for band in the spring.
Do I have to be in a band in the fall in order to be in the Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble?
Yes. These ensembles are advanced groups and perform at various regional festivals. These groups continue to refine the musical concepts learned in the fall. If you want to be in band for only 1 semester, you should take Concert Band. It is recommended that students enroll in band for the full year when they enter 9th grade.
I was in band for two or three years in middle school. What’s different about high school band?
In high school, you get to perform more challenging music, which is generally more interesting. You will also get a chance to travel more, especially if you become involved with marching band.
Do I have to attend band camp if I am not in marching band?
No. Only marching band members are required to attend this camp.